Clip Of The Week

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Basic Firefox And Tips

Now on to the next tab - Tabs

Under New pages should be opened in:

1. A new window - Whenever you click on a link that will open a new window, Firefox will open a new window, very much like Internet Explorer.
2. A new tab - Whenever you click on a link that will open a new window, Firefox will force it to open as a tab, rather than a window.

Warn me when closing multiple tabs - Firefox will warn you when you close Firefox that has more than one tab open.

Warn me when opening multiple tabs might slow down Firefox - pretty much redundant, never had it warned me before, when I opened 40 tabs at one go.

Always show the tab bar - very obvious. Uncheck (untick) this box, your tabbing bar will be gone when only one tab is opened. When more than one tabs are being opened, the tab bar will be shown. It's a matter of personal preference here.

When I open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately - again, very obvious. Rather than stay in the same page after opening a new tab, Firefox will switch to the new tab immediately. Unchecking (unticking) this box will tell Firefox not to.