Clip Of The Week

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Basic Firefox And Tips


Show the Downloads window when downloading a file - it will show a window. If you uncheck (untick) this box, no window will be shown. The manual way would be to go Tools > Downloads or press Ctrl + J to show the download window.

Close it when all downloads are finished - the download window will close and notify you that all downloads have finished, at the bottom right hand corner, near the clock. If you uncheck (untick) this box, the download window will not close. Firefox will still notify that downloads have finished.

Save files to ___________ - Firefox will always save the files to this location, in this example, desktop. If you use this option, Firefox will not prompt you where to save, but will automatically save it.

Also, Firefox will not prompt you when you save double copies of the same file; it will automatically be renamed, for example file.exe, file(2).exe.

Always ask me where to save files - Whenever you download a file, Firefox will open another window. This allows you to choose a location where you want to save the file.